The legislative proposal aims to implement all aspects of the DSA that require implementation into Dutch law. On the basis of the legislative proposal, the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (Autoriteit Consument en Markt, ACM) shall become the competent authority for most of the provisions of the DSA, whilst the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens) shall become the competent authority to supervise on the compliance of two provisions relating to the processing of personal data, more specifically in relation to profiling. The legislative proposal also contains rules on the division of competences and cooperation between the two authorities, as well as on the cooperation with other authorities, such as the Public Prosecution Service (het Openbaar Ministerie). Earlier, the Minister already appointed the ACM by resolution (1) of 13 February 2024 as competent authority and Digital Services Coordinator within the meaning of Article 49 DSA, although the designation was limited to certain parts of the DSA.


In 2023, a draft legislative proposal was published for internet consultation and thereafter a draft was submitted to the Council of State (de Raad van State, RvS). On 7 February 2024, the RvS delivered its advice and identified five points of attention with respect to the legislative proposal. Arguably most importantly, the RvS considered that there was no legal basis in the DSA to limit the possibility to impose fines to situations in which there would be “harm to the collective interests of the recipients of the service or other interested parties”. This requirement – which interestingly is also included in the legislative proposal relating to the implementation of the P2B Regulation (Regulation 2019/1150) that has been adopted by the House of Representatives on 28 March 2024 – has therefore been deleted from the legislative proposal, providing the ACM which greater freedom to decide on the imposition of fines. The other points of attention have been addressed by including additional explanations in the explanatory memorandum, amongst others in relation to the definitions of ‘disinformation’, ‘illegal content’ and ‘other content’, the role of the ACM and the manner in which public accountability can be ensured.

Next steps

Taking into account that the DSA has come into force as of 17 February 2024, the Minister asks the House of Representatives to consider the legislative proposal ‘expeditiously’ in her letter to the House of Representatives (2). The Minister has proposed to discuss the legislative proposal in May 2024. On 10 April 2024, the committee of digital affairs of the House of Representatives determined that the legislative proposal is non-controversial and can be dealt with by the House of Representative prior to the installation of a new government. The next steps are an exchange in writing of questions from the House of Representatives and answers from the Minister on the legislative proposal (i.e. a report on the bill (verslag) and a note on report on the bill (nota naar aanleiding van verslag)).



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